Trading Screen Access
How it works:
- Please register first, its free. Registered users can see interactive screens with lot numbers each representing one FCL lot and details of the product as well as the seller ranking. You can personalise these screens to show you only your favourite suppliers or block unwanted ones.
- You can input your buying/selling price or click on the lot for purchase or sale and enter your counter price or any other request.
- All prices are anonymous, and only your assigned relationship manager is notified of your input on the screen. However, anyone can see the lot you have offered for purchase/sale without your name being disclosed. You are only charged if you wish to enter a contract to buy or sell. Nothing to lose, and lots of upside if your lot is confirmed by someone.
- Once you confirm a business on-line, your relationship manager willverify all details with you personally before issuing a contract. You are protected from errors made by your office when feeding in buying or selling prices. Give it a try!
- Contact us at for our fee structure, it is as per the usual norms in the product you trade in, but due to the efficiency of on line business, we can pass on some of the benefits to you.
Place an Advertisement
How it works:
- Please register first, its free. Registered users can input their advertising text or graphics. Also,you save the ad for future reference in your user account.
- If your ad needs changes, its possible.Your username and password login enables you to edit your own ad any number of times. Buy an annual subscription and keep updating your ad as the business situation changes.
- You pay at the very end once you are satisfied with your order details. Questions? write to
- Payment once made, cannot be refunded since it includes taxes. Your ad will be activated only after full payment is received. In the event of website disruption and attacks or unforeseen events, we will credit your account with the unused portion of the ad, towards future purchases or resumption of normal activity as per our policies at that time.
- This website is visited by thousands of companies and is a very targeted approach to the agricultural commodity business worldwide. Plus, we will include links to the ad section in this website in our hundreds of mailers sent out each week to clients. This is a freebenefit.